This prayer, if one is believe in the ancient tradition that follows it, had been found in the sepulcher of Our Lord himself, Jesus-Christ, and was send in the year 802 by the Pope Leon III to , when he left with his army to fight his enemies. The prayer was written on a parchment with gold letters, and for a longtime was preciously preserved in the abbey of St Michel of France.
Whoever reads this prayer, or hears it read or, carries it on their person, will not die suddenly, will not drown, will not be burned; no venom will empoison them, this person will not fall into the hands of their enemies, and he will not be vanquished by them [his enemies] in battle.
When a woman finds herself in labor pains, if she reads this prayer or heard this prayer read to her, or she carries it on her person, she will quickly find herself delivered and she will be always a loving mother.
Prayer in French
Ô Dieu tout-puissant, vous avez subi la mort sur l’arbre patibulaire de la croix pour expier tous mes péchés.
† Ô Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ, soyez toujours avec moi.
† Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ, repoussez loin de moi toute arme tranchante.
† Ô Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ, préservez-moi de tout accident corporel.
† Ô Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ, détournez de moi tout mal.
† Ô Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ, versez en moi tout bien, afin que je puisse sauver mon âme.
† Ô Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ, éloignez de moi toute crainte de la mort et accordez-moi la vie éternelle.
† Ô Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ, gardez-moi et faites que les esprits malins, tant visibles qu’invisibles, fuient devant moi, dès aujourd’hui et dans tous les siècles des siècles. ainsi soit-il !
Aussi vrai que Jésus est né le jour de Noël,
Aussi vrai que Jésus a été circoncis,
Aussi vrai que Jésus a reçu les offrandes des trios Roi Mages,
Aussi vrai que Jésus a été crucifié le vendredi saint,
Aussi vrai que Joseph et Nicodème ont ôté Jésus de la croix et l’ont mis dans le sépulcre,
Aussi vrai que Jésus est monté au ciel ;
De même qu’il soit aussi vrai que Jésus me préserve et me préservera de tout attentat de mes ennemis, tant visibles qu’invisibles, dès aujourd’hui et dans tous les siècles des siècles. Ainsi soit-il !
Ô Dieu tout-puissant, sous la protection de † Jésus, Maria, † de Jésus, Maria, Anna, † de Jésus, Maria, Joseph, je me remets entre vos mains. Ainsi soit-il !
Ô Seigneur, par l’amertume que vous avez soufferte pour moi sur la sainte croix, principalement lorsque votre âme s’est séparée de son corps, ayez pitié de mon âme, quand elle sera séparée de ce monde. Ainsi Soit-il !
English Translation
O God All Powerful and Everlasting, you submitted yourself to death on the sinister wood of the Holy Cross to atone for all my sins.
† O Holy Cross of Jesus the Christ, be always with me!
† Holy Cross of Jesus the Christ, keep far from me all arms that seeks to hurt me.
† O Holy Cross of Jesus the Christ, protect me from all fatal accidents.
† O Holy Cross of Jesus the Christ, turn me away from all calls of wrong-doing.
† O Holy Cross of Jesus the Christ, fill me with your light so that I may save my soul.
† O Holy Cross of Jesus the Christ, remove from me all fear of death and grant me eternal life.
† O Holy Cross of Jesus the Christ, watch over me and make sure that the malicious forces, whether seen or unseen, stay clear of me, from today onwards, and for all the centuries to come. So let it Be!
Also true that Jesus was born Christmas Day,
Also true that Jesus was circumcised
Also true that Jesus received the gifts of the Three Wise Kings,
Also true that Jesus had been crucified Good Friday,
Also true that Joseph and Nicodemus took Jesus down from the cross and put him in the sepulcher
Also true that Jesus ascended to heaven ;
Just as it is true that Jesus protects me and will protect me from all the attacks of my enemies, all those seen and unseen, from today onwards and for all the centuries to come. So let it Be!
O God All Powerful and Everlasting, under the protection of, † Jesus, Mary, Anna, † of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I put myself in your hands. So let it Be!
O Lord, by the intensity of your suffering for me on the Holy Cross, mainly when your soul separated itself from your body, have pity for my soul when it will separate from this world. So let it Be!
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